Fen Elder Flow

Welcome to Fen Elder Flow, a yoga and wellness business based in the Lincolnshire Fens, offering classes, retreats and workshops primarily for beginners as well as Exercise to Music classes and Menopause Yoga for women.

Flight of Fancy

I feel privileged to live in the Lincolnshire Fens; I am surrounded by farmland, wildlife and big skies. I feel I have best of both worlds here, easy striking distance to towns and amenities but it also affords me the peace and solitude I have craved for some time which I enjoyed several years ago living in the Scottish Highlands. Most days I can observe small herds of deer on one of our local walks, and when the winter wind is still, I can hear the call of birds claiming territory or sounding out a warning cry as I walk past.
Fen Elder Flow - Flight of Fancy

Recently, a beautiful barn owl has taken to landing on our back garden fence, calmly looking at us from a safe distance as we sit in the conservatory watching back. Owls are my favourite birds, and as I have never seen a barn owl in the wild before, I was very keen to take a photo of it whilst so close. However, every time I slowly went to grab my phone, the owl would notice my small movement, and fly off.

After a couple of visits, I decided to abandon all photography ideas, and just sit in stillness. This allowed me to observe this lovely bird more fully, its heart shaped face, large head, its white underside and brown wings, and as it leaves – its majestic, sweeping flight. Had I been able to take a photo, would I have had the chance to observe as much? Appreciate its movement as it turned on the fence, and take off in flight?

So often, we are keen to take photos, thinking that these become our recollection of an event or person -or something to show others. I’d rather have the anticipation of the barn owl’s return, to enjoy its company once again, to create treasured memories from slow, quiet study. To sit quietly in harmony.


Recent Blogs

Fen Elder Flow - Ahimsa


We often just think of ‘Ahimsa’ – the first of the Yamas – as being mainly the discipline of non-violence towards others – violence not just being the physical – but also tone of voice – a voice raised in anger, a thought which gives off a certain ‘vibe’. For example, practicing Ahimsa means that if someone is nasty or aggressive to us, we need to let those words flow past us and not react unkindly – but sometimes our egos get in the way and perhaps we don’t want to be seen as the weaker person by not fighting back!

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Fen Elder Flow - What's in a Name

What’s in a Name?

A few months ago I moved to the Lincolnshire Fens after falling in love with the area last year, whilst house hunting and soul searching. I had previously taught yoga and ran a small wellness-focused practice in North West England, as well as a series of popular day retreats for overall wellbeing and self-care.

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